Saturday, September 09, 2006

AIDS & popular science (via Normblog)

From Norman Geras on his weblog (the appropriately named Normblog). --Jeff Weintraub
September 9, 2006
Minister of embarrassment

Chris McGreal reports from Johannesburg:
More than 60 leading Aids scientists, including the co-discoverer of HIV, have demanded that President Thabo Mbeki sack his health minister because her "immoral" and "pseudo-scientific" views on treating the disease are claiming lives.
"To deny that HIV causes Aids is farcical in the face of the scientific evidence; to promote ineffective, immoral policies on HIV/Aids endangers lives; to have as health minister a person who now has no international respect is an embarrassment to the South African government," said the letter.
Posted by Norm at 01:00 PM |