
Friday, April 26, 2013

A British political candidate explains why the Jews engineered the Holocaust

In fact, the whole Second World War "was engineered by the Zionist jews and financed by the banksters" as part of a master plot "to create the State of Israel as we know it today.”

These claims by Anna-Marie Crampton, who appears to be a minor local candidate for the (right-leaning anti-EU) UK Independence Party, are all familiar stuff in much of today's world (though in mainstream British politics you're not supposed to get caught actually saying them in public).  But it's sometimes useful to be reminded that nutcase anti-semitic and anti-"Zionist" conspiracy theories can be found across the political spectrum, and in a wide range of national, ethnic, and religious contexts.  For someone like this Crampton person, all that probably sounded quite plausible and even common-sensical ... which is the real point.

One standard dodge in a lot of contemporary anti-semitic discourse, by the way, is to pretend that your anti-semitic ravings are not anti-semitic at all, just anti-Zionist.  As Crampton explained at one point:
The Rothschilds were Zionists .. there is difference between Jews and Zionists.  These Psychopaths hide behind and use the Jews.  It was thanks to them that 6 million Jews were murdered in the war (along with 26 million Russians).  Read the Protocols of Zion [JW: a notorious 19th-century anti-semitic forgery, also cited in the Hamas Charter, dramatized in an Egyptian TV series a decade ago, and a perennial best-seller in the Middle East], all you need to know is in there and it's in their own words.

Well, at least this seems to accept that the Holocaust actually happened.

(Crampton says her account was hacked.  I suppose that might be true ... though I also can't help thinking of a line once made famous by Mandy Rice-Davies.)

—Jeff Weintraub

the algemeiner
April 25, 2013
UK Politician Claims Jews Engineered Holocaust to Guilt World Into Establishing Israel
By Zach Pontz

A UK politician has claimed that Jews deliberately murdered each other in the Holocaust as part of a master plan to create Israel.

 Anna-Marie Crampton posted the claims on a conspiracy theory website called “Secrets of The Fed.”

According to the website, Crampton wrote:

“Holocaust means a sacrifice by fire. Only the Zionists could sacrifice their own in the gas chambers."

“The Second World Wide War was engineered by the Zionist jews and financed by the banksters to make the general public all over the world to feel so guilty and outraged by the Holocaust that a treaty would be signed to create the State of Israel as we know it today.”

SWNS found other comments on her Facebook page from several months ago that also offer a not-so-subtle view into Cramptom’s noxious mindset.

“The Rothschilds are Zionists..there is a difference between Jews and Zionists. These Psychopaths hide behind and use the Jews.

“It was thanks to them that 6 million Jews were murdered in the War (along with 26 million Russians!),” Crampton wrote.

Another comment says: “I am anti Zionist, not antisemit (sic). I love the true Israel and the Jews.”

Mrs Crampton is standing for the UK’s Independent Party in next week’s county council elections in the traditionally Conservative ward of Crowborough in East Sussex.

A spokesman told SWNS: “We need to chase her down. These comments are really way out there and really hard-core anti-Zionism.”

Anti-racist groups said UKIP had to drop Mrs. Crampton as a matter of urgency.

Sam Westrop, director of Stand for Peace, a leading Jewish-Muslim interfaith organization, said: “Time after time, conspiracy and anti-Zionist sentiment is revealed to be nothing more than thinly-veiled anti-Semitism.

“UKIP, to its credit, has expelled extremist and bigoted members in the past.

“They must also expel Anna-Marie Crampton. Such hatred must be fought at all times.”